# WithoutDNS
WithoutDNS (opens new window) is a service designed to provide a temporary URL for your domain, allowing you to preview and test your website on a different server without altering your local hosts file. This can be particularly useful for testing configurations or viewing changes before they go live.
With WithoutDNS, traffic is redirected to a specified server IP through a proxy, offering a safe and controlled way to test websites.
The integration is enabled by default for new PanelAlpha users (using version 1.1.7 and above). It allows generating up to 3 temporary links to preview sites that haven't been migrated yet. If you wish to use the integration on a daily basis, please proceed with the configuration steps. Existing users will need to enable it manually if they wish to use it. By default, up to three temporary links are available as a trial period without full configuration with the WithoutDNS platform. Keep in mind that temporary links on trial version are valid for 5 minutes only.
# Installation
The installation is automatically executed without the need for manual intervention and is enabled by default for anew PanelAlpha users (since version 1.1.7 and above). Please note that only an active integration can be properly and fully configured.
WithoutDNS integration allows for up to three free trial links to be generated. If you want to use the integration more extensively, you must fully configure it with the WithoutDNS (opens new window) panel.
# Configuration
Make sure the integration is enabled, then click the "Configure" button.
A modal form will appear. Follow the steps described in the form to complete the configuration:
- Proceed to the WithoutDNS (opens new window) panel and log in to your account. If you are a new user, you will need to sign up first.
- Proceed to API Configuration section, you will find it in a dropdown menu under your account details in the top right corner.
- Create a new API Token by clicking the "Generate Token" button.
- Copy the API token and keep it safe, as you will need it later in PanelAlpha.
Go back to the PanelAlpha admin area and paste the generated token in the modal form.
Now test the connection. If successful, the options to select will appear:
- Temporary URL Duration - Define how long the generated site preview URL will remain accessible.
- Temporary Domain - Select the domain on which the temporary URL for clients will be based.
# Preview site
The Preview Site option is available in the client area for users of WordPress instances whose DNS status is currently "DNS propagation is in progress." A redirect link labeled "Preview Site" will be provided and can be used to open the site using the temporary URL.
Press the Visit Site button, you will be redirected to the site preview. Copy the URL for later use if needed. Remember that the URL will be valid only for as long as it has been set up in the configuration. In case trial version is used, the links remain active for 5 minutes since generation.