# Automatic SSL
"Automatic SSL" configuration refers to the process of automatically setting up and configuring an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate for a website or application. SSL certificates are used to establish a secure and encrypted connection between a web server and a client's web browser.
Let's Encrypt is the recommended setting in the PanelAlpha configuration.
# Provider configuration
Define basic settings for the SSL provider configuration.
- Automatic SSL Provider - select between available providers; to configure more options, such as Matomo, press the related button
- Let's Encrypt (recommended)
- Self Signed Certificate
- Disable
- Retry Frequency (hours) - secify the interval, in hours, between attempts to download the certificate.
- Mark Failed After (hours) -set the duration, in hours, after which the SSL order will be marked as failed.
# SSL Orders
- List of SSL orders, their status, date of last update
- Actions: "Process Now" - process the order immediately (if applicable)
# Logs
List of events on SSL orders. Check details on:
- SSL order ID number
- Action type
- Request
- Response
- Time
- When updated